Climate Learning Initiative - Case studies: Learning objective 1
Gathering support and resource allocation from leadership, and an expressed commitment to climate action
Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD) will be carbon and waste neutral by 2030 as part of the ambitious initiative, Sustainable Healthcare: Together Towards Zero. The organization will be working over the coming years to achieve this green vision and take their place as an industry and community leader in sustainable health care.
Hospital Sírio-Libanês decarbonization program (HSLPD) focused on mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as part of their 2019 commitment to become a carbon-neutral organization. The program included actions to measure GHG emissions, manage consumption that impacted carbon emissions, and compensate for what could not be reduced.
This case study presents the journey of the Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Albert Einstein, a large and highly complex hospital, in relation to climate change, focusing on its actions to mitigate emissions through energy efficiency projects and initiatives to adapt to the effects of climate change.
We know there is no net-zero future economy that doesn’t have health care in it. We need to transform health care sustainably, and to do that we need a clear north star – to be net zero. We know we can’t do this without adopting a transformation mindset and without working with others. From investing in decarbonization to corporate governance to nurturing “eco-disruptive” startups, Bupa is starting to show results. Bupa has achieved more than 26% Scope 1 and 2 emissions reductions and powers their facilities with 84% renewable energy.
As part of Apollo’s sustainability action plan, the group is tracking monthly energy consumption, total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water withdrawal, waste generation, and commensurate emissions for 40 of its largest facilities, which account for 90% of the group’s total energy consumption, in efforts to set and measure improvement goals.
This case study summarizes a pilot project led by the Department of Health Services, supported by World Health Organization, and implemented by Health Environment and Climate Action Foundation (HECAF360) on identifying the major climate-induced disasters in health care facilities in three ecological regions of Nepal. Assessment included their adaptation and mitigation practices to combat the effects of climate change. This project also frames a four-pillar improvement plan focused on developing climate resilience and environmentally sustainable health care facilities recommended by WHO.
CommonSpirit gathered support for a net-zero ambition, as well as resource allocation to develop the organization’s climate action plan, which includes specific goals, strategies, and work plans under three pillars: buildings and operations, supply chain, and climate-resilient communities.